About Aussie Lads
Welcome to SF ENGINEERING home of the Aussie Lads Brand
G'Day and thanks for coming to visit our page. Let us dispel a few questions first off about what and who Aussie Lads are. SF Engineering brought back the Aussie Lads brand after years of it being absent form the workplace.
1. SF Engineering has has not been around since 1788. It is a fact however that Lads, Larakins, Blokes or Mates have been around since at least then when the first fleets dropped a bunch of layabout, crooks and dreamers on the doorstep of this great country. Naturally these blokes needed a place to get some shuteye so they headed for the first shelter they could find. Plenty of caves and overhangs (we call them patios today) around the Botany Bay area. Why not build a place right off the bat? Well we like to get a feel for the land, then decide where the best place for the fridge should go. So we say that "Aussie Lads" have been around since we first stepped foot onto this great land and shared a drink or two with the locals.
2. Yes we care about our country and dont take kindly to people wrecking it. All of our suppliers are environmentally conscious and do all they can to protect the environment. Aussie Lads are about function and usefulness so all our products are built tough rather than pretty. We even up-cycle materials when we can..
So why Aussie Lads
They are not rich nor looking for glory (except on the hallowed backyard pitch facing down old Dans perfectly pitched right arm fastball) and try as best as they can to give back to their communities.
True Aussie Lads are all about offering good quality items at fair and reasonable prices. Yes, we do appreciate recycling and love to add items to our store made form anything lying around that someone might wanna buy.
Cut the hair, trim the beard, new shirt and pants with proper shoes and we scrub up well.....but deep down inside we are still just a lad looking for a place to put his jousting sticks anyway it is often suggested that nations are made up of 'types' of people. National identity is seen to be based on what are considered shared character traits often deriving from history. A good Australian example is the idea of the 'Aussie Lad'.
Australian historian Russel Ward in The Australian Legend (1958) "famously described" the mythical "Aussie Bloke (Lad)" as:
..a practical man, rough and ready in his manners and quick to decry any appearance of affection in others... Though capable of great exertion in an emergency, he normally feels no impulse to work hard without good cause. He swears hard and consistently, gambles heavily and often, and drinks deeply on occasion... he is a greater knocker of eminent people unless, as is in the case of his sporting heroes, they are distinguished by physical prowess. He is fiercely independent... above all he will stick to his mates through thick and thin, even if he thinks they may be wrong... He tends to be a rolling stone, highly suspect if he should chance to gather much moss.
Yep we've been known to pull a sicky or two for the betterment of our life Aussie Lad in Queenstown
Aussie Lads are known the world over for their heroism and support of the little guy. In fact in 2016 several Aussie Lads came to the rescue of the poor and innocent.
Aussie Lads have even been represented at the flamin Winter Olympics.
So there you have it. This is what an Aussie Lad is and this is why SF Engineering is bringing back the LAD.